
The Fullness of Time

Paul argued that adopting the rite of circumcision would constitute regression to something rudimentary, and an earlier stage in the redemptive history of God’s people. If Gentile believers did so, they would be obligated to keep the whole Law, and they could easily find themselves “ severed from Christ ” - (Galatians 5:1-4).

The Spiritual Man

Overused by both the Church and the surrounding society, the English term ‘spiritual’ has become meaningless. To some people, it is synonymous with the word religion . To be religious is to be spiritual . To others, it refers to things that are not of this physical universe, things and beings that are supernatural, otherworldly, noncorporeal, invisible, and timeless.

Beginning and Firstborn

In Colossians , Paul stresses the exaltation of Jesus following his Resurrection. Some members of the congregation were confused about his authority over the spiritual powers that were hostile to God and His people; therefore, Paul reminded the Assembly of just how highly God exalted the One who became the “ Firstborn of the Dead .”

Последний храм

Однажды ученики обнаружили, что Иисус был Храмом Божьим. Эпоха, когда Бог “ обитал ” в переносных палатках в пустыне или каменных зданиях в Иерусалиме, закончилась с приходом Мессии. Бог больше не обитает в сооружениях, “ сделанных своими руками ”. Его присутствие не может быть ограничено физическими стенами или географическими границами.

Rejection and Suffering

As Jesus approached Jerusalem, he explained what it meant to be the Messiah and Son of God, namely, rejection , suffering , and death . His prediction was contrary to popular expectations about the Messiah, including those of his closest disciples. He also summoned anyone who chose to follow him to take up his Cross and emulate his example, and failure to do so would render the would-be disciple an object of shame before the Lord of Glory.

Страдание и ученичество

Для учеников Иисуса возмездие и насилие не являются подходящей реакцией на враждебность и преследования. Вместо этого они должны встречать угрозы и нападения со смирением, милосердием и прощением. Вот что значит “ отречься от себя ”, “ взять его крест ” и следовать за ним, “ куда бы он ни повел ”. Делать добро своему “ врагу ” противоречит “ мудрости века сего ”, однако именно так верующий становится “ совершенным, как Отец Небесный ”.