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God Grants Sovereignty

The  Book of Daniel  presents insights into the future with an emphasis on the rise and fall of empires. This includes times of “ tribulation ” when the people of God endure persecution at the hands of despotic pagan rulers. However, before doing so, the Book declares that the downfall of the Jewish kingdom was according to the will of Yahweh. It was the God of Israel who “ gave ” the Babylonian king sovereignty over Judah.

Prayer and Visitation

After contemplating  Jeremiah’s prophecy , Daniel began to pray and repent for the nation’s sins. He did not seek revelation into the meaning of the prophecy since he understood its prediction (“ I understood by the writings the number of the years ”). Instead, he confessed Israel’s sins as Jeremiah had instructed.

Word of Jeremiah

Daniel received the revelation about the “ seventy weeks ” in the “ first year ” of Darius the Mede, shortly after the fall of the Neo-Babylonian Empire to the “ Medes and Persians .” And his inquiry and prayer indicate that the events in chapter 9 occurred before the return of the first Jewish exiles to Jerusalem after the decree of Cyrus the Great.

Word to Return

Understanding the “start date” of the “ seventy weeks ” is vital to its interpretation.  WHEN  the period commenced determines when it will end. Fortunately, the interpreting angel provided Daniel with that information - “ From the going forth of the word to return and to build Jerusalem .” And the identification of this “ word ” is found in the context of the chapter.

Seventy-Sevens Divided

The angel divided the period of “ seventy weeks ” into three divisions - the initial period of “ seven weeks ,” the second of “ sixty-two weeks ,” and the final segment of “ one week .” The latter is subdivided further into two “ half weeks .” And at the start of the prophecy, the angel listed six redemptive goals that must be achieved by the end of all seventy “ weeks .”

God Grants Sovereignty

God gave the kingdom of Judah into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar, but He also equipped Daniel and his companions for service in the court of Babylon .  In its opening paragraph, the book of  Daniel  labels Babylon the “ land of Shinar ,” a verbal link to the “ tower of Babel ” incident.   The Neo-Babylonian Empire has an ancient pedigree, and like his ancient forbears, Nebuchadnezzar determined to unite all men under one language and one government so all men might render homage to his great golden image.