
If God is for Us!

In the first half of Romans , Paul presents the “ Gospel .” It is the “ power of God for salvation to Jews and Greeks ” alike. He provides salvation through the “ faith of Jesus Christ ” to everyone who responds with repentance and faith. Death passed from Adam to all men, both to those “ within the Law ” and those “ apart from the Law ” because “ all sinned .” Now, however, “ apart from the Law ,” the “ righteousness of God ” is being revealed for “ all men who believe, for there is no distinction .”

Redemption of our Body

According to Paul, there is “ now no condemnation ” for anyone who is “ in Christ Jesus .” This happy condition exists because the “ law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and of death .” Moreover, he links our salvation to the inheritance of Christ and the coming redemption of the creation. Adam’s transgression condemned the entire universe to bondage and death, not just humanity. However, “ much more did the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one man, Jesus, abound to the many .”

We Shall Live!

In 2 Timothy , Paul discusses the future resurrection of believers as he responds to denials of this “ sound teaching ” by deceivers who were disrupting the Assembly, denials he treats as little more than idle chatter . In doing so, he demonstrates that his later theology remains well within the Apostolic Tradition and the teachings of his earliest letters. From the beginning, belief in the resurrection was central to the doctrine of salvation taught by Jesus, his Apostles, and the early Church.

Christ is Risen!

Paul claimed that the source of his apostleship was the same God who raised His Son from “ among dead ones ” (literal rendering). This same Messiah died and was raised from the dead to “ deliver us from this evil age .” In Galatians , The Apostle was responding to certain “ men from Jerusalem ” who were operating in the Assembly as if the old era was still in effect, insisting that Gentiles must be circumcised and keep the Jewish calendar, and challenging Paul’s Apostolic authority and credentials.

Слуга или император?

Сатана искушал Иисуса, предлагая ему политическую власть над “ всеми царствами мира ”, предложение, от которого он решительно отказался. Вместо власти и величия он избрал путь “ Страдающего слуги ”, который неизбежно привел к смерти на римском кресте. Самой поразительной деталью этой встречи является то, что Иисус не оспаривал притязания дьявола на юрисдикцию над политическими системами мира.

Сын Давида

Евангелие от Матфея называет Иисуса “ Сыном Давидовым ”. Своей жизнью и смертью он продемонстрировал, что значит быть царем Израиля и “ Сыном Божьим ”. Традиционно это последнее обозначение связывалось с Домом Давида; но в рассказе Матфея старое понимание Мессии радикально меняется. Великий “ Сын Давида ” - это гораздо больше, чем правитель Израиля или народов. Он Царь и Мессия совсем другого рода.